Teaching and Learning for the improvement of students.
- We are motivating the students towards his/her choice of subjects and give detail information about the syllabus as introductory lectuers.
- Using multimedia and powerpoint presentation for teaching and learning.
- Offering Co-curricular activities.
- Generate the Skills of students towards his/her career.
Strength of Faculty and effectiveness
- Increase the number of faculty members by outsource.
- Enrichment of teaching quality of faculty members.
Research and Seminars
- To promote the students about the research after his her PG level.
- Support the departments whose faculty members have potential towards research.
- Organize the departmental seminars and workshops for upliftment of teaching and learning system.
- Arrange research publication.
- Equip our library.
Institutional Effectiveness
- To maintain work culture in the institute.
- Constructive Management
- Positive thiking to all employees.
- Motivational Approach.
Towards Community
- Active participation to the local community with NCC, NSS and Cultural team members.
- Sharing knowledge through different programmes.
- Social work like cleanliness drive, plantation, literacy drive, awareness programme etc.
- Sharing with the community during festival.
- We communicate through College Prospectus, Display Board, Media, Website, Class Room visit and notice, College Magazine and different display banner.